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To buy this painting click "By Now" button and you will be taken to a Secure Site: PayPal Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmericanExpress credit cards are accepted . You don't need a PayPal account to buy this painting with a credit card through PayPal. If you prefer to send a check please feel free to contact the artist
Justin Clements was born and raised in Fort Collins, Colorado, where his parents supported and encouraged his early artistic inclinations. Throughout his schooling he excelled and thrived within all things art. Continuing his education after college, he studied sculpture and painting in Tuscany. Justin’s paintings are sought after by enthusiasts and have found their way into many collections, both corporate and private.
Justin Clements married Renee Wilkins in the summer of 2004. The happy couple has been further blessed with the birth of their two sons Paul and Ben.